Babies are only little, for a little while

For moms, time brings both magical moments and a sense of sorrow as you watch your baby change and grow. One day they're sharing their first smile, their first words, and the next they're waving you off as they head to school!

There's no better time than now to start capturing those fleeting moments, and there's no better place to start than in your own home. And on your own schedule (make that baby's schedule!).

You don't have to regret not taking enough photos when your baby was little.

You don't have to be a professional, a Pinterest mom, or an Instagram expert.

You don't have to worry about a shoot being rescheduled if your baby decides to be a baby, or if the weather is rotten.

Save yourself the mom guilt.

It's time to start snapping and making memories

This free guide was created just for you.

Now you can start collecting and preserving memories, wherever and whenever you choose!