Kindergarten is such a magical time in children’s lives, but it can also be filled with so many big emotions. Excitement, anxiousness, joy, and fear are just a few of the feelings that are going on inside our little one’s minds during this time when they are being introduced to new routines, new people, and new environments. Being so little means that they don’t always know how to communicate these feelings with us, and understandably so, since they have only been on this Earth for five years so far. Choosing kids books for kindergarten is a great way to help prepare them for all of the unfamiliar things they are about to experience.
Developing an evening routine that consists of reading kids books for kindergarten in preparation for the new school year is a wonderful bonding opportunity that will help ease your little one’s mind. Whenever creating your special book nook for your kiddos, consider how cute these block book ends will be to complete the perfect environment.
20 Kids Books For Kindergarten
We have searched the internet and found 20 kids books for kindergarten that cover so many different emotions and situations that kids are currently experiencing.
1. All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold
This heartwarming story shares how parents walk their children to school, where diversity and inclusion is celebrated. Teachers greet each child with joy and it’s a great one to come back and read all year through.
2. We Don’t Eat Our Classmates by Ryan T. Higgins
If you have a child who you need to have a conversation with about impulse control before starting kindergarten, this is the cutest book that you need to read with your little one. It tells the tale of poor Penelope who can’t help but eat her classmates.
3. Pink is For Boys by Robb Pearlman
This is a wonderful read that will teach kids how to look beyond gender stereotypes and they start kindergarten. It reminds kids that they are free to be exactly who they want to be.
4. Lucia The Lunchadora by Cynthia Leonor Garza
Superheros aren’t just for boys! Girls are reminded that they can be superheroes, too, by Lucia who teaches this lesson to everyone on the school playground.
5. One Big Pair of Underwear by Laura Gehl
Sharing skills are reinforced in this story, which we all know are necessary when starting school. Kids will also learn counting skills as they read this silly story.
6. Boo Who? By Ben Clanton
No one wants to feel left out and this is definitely a fear that little one’s face when starting school. This story will teach them how to make sure everyone is included.
7. A School Like Mine: A Celebration of Schools Around the World by DK Publishing
This sweet story reminds children that school is different all over the world.
8. Germs vs. Soap by Didi Dragon
Now more than ever, proper handwashing is a must. This is definitely something that kids need to be reminded of when they are so young and this story is a great way to do just that.
9. The King of Kindergarten by Derrick Barnes
Confidence is so important for kids to learn and this story of a little boy who takes pride during his first day of kindergarten will help teach them this skill.
10. Pete The Cat: Rocking My School Shoes by Eric Litwin
Many kids are familiar with the Pete the Cat series, so this will just add to their collections. Kids get to go on a journey with Pete as he sets off for school.
11. The Night Before Kindergarten by Natasha Wing
This is a great story that teaches kids about getting prepared for the first day of kindergarten and all the big kid things like laying out school clothes that need to be done the evening before.
12. The Day you Begin by Jaqueline Woodson
This is a great story that reminds kids that everyone is different. The message that sometimes they will walk into a room and no one will be there that looks like them is strong and helps kids understand that that is okay.
13. I Am Enough by Grace Byers
This book is filled to the brim with so many strong messages that are important for all kids to hear. They will learn about loving themselves, respecting others, and kindness.
14. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst
Your kiddos may have already seen the movie version of this classic, but the book is just as good! It serves as the perfect reminder that bad days happen, but it’s all about being positive and getting through it that can turn it around.
15. The Invisible String by Patrice Karst
For little ones who are scared and feeling worried about being apart from their parents and loved ones during school hours, this is a wonderful read. Teaching kids that there is an unbreakable connection there will help give them peace of mind for starting school.
16. I Like Myself by Karen Beaumont
Teaching kids about self esteem is the main theme in this sweet story. Kids will learn the importance of appreciating everything about themselves in this silly yet serious book.
17. Be Brave, Little Penguin by Giles Andreae
Sometimes kids need a little dose of bravery to get through the first day of kindergarten and this book will help give them that courage.
18. Be Kind by Pat Zietlow Miller
Being kind is one of the most important lessons we can teach our children, especially as they start kindergarten. This book teaches kids how to think about their actions and lead with kindness.
19.Waiting is Not Easy! by Mo Willems
Patience is not an easy thing for young children to learn, but starting kindergarten means they need to know what it means. The familiar Mo Williams characters show kids that waiting is not easy, but necessary.
20. The Teacher’s Pet by Anica Mrose Rissi
This is a silly story that demonstrates to kids going to school for the first time just how fun being in a classroom is. They have much to look forward to in kindergarten!
We hope that you enjoyed our roundup of our favorite kids books for kindergarten and they help you and your little ones as they embark on their new journey.