Back to school season is officially here! Parents everywhere are scrambling to check off everything on the supply list and make sure that our kiddos' shoes and clothes still fit. (If not, back to school shopping is in order!)
It's a season of newness, excitement, and nerves. If you are like us and always aim to get those near-perfect back to school photos on the first day, you know that a great back to school sign is necessary! Choose from one of these back to school printables and we're sure your pictures will look wonderful.
First, what exactly are back to school printables?
You know when you find yourself scrolling through your social media feed and see kids posing in pictures with their back packs and lunch boxes while holding a sign? These are back to school printables! We have 25 for you to choose from, depending on what kind of information you are looking to include. There are basic back to school printables that include names and school years, and others are more detailed with information about what your kids want to be when they grow up, etc. You simply click to download, print on your home printer, customize and have them ready for the first day!
10 Back to School Printables For Great School Pictures
We promise, you will find something wonderful on this list to choose from!
1. First Day of School Printable Sign from Simple Everyday Mom
2. Back to School Charades Game from Today's Creative Life
3. 25 FREE Back to School Fonts (to make your own back to school printables) from Food, Folks and Fun
4. First Day Sign from Frugal Mom Eh!
5. Customizable First Day of School Signs from The Printables Fairy
6. First Day of School Questionnaire from The Keele Deal
7. Back to School Signs With Customizable Colors from Where The Smiles Have Been
8. First Day Signs: Traditional, Hybrid, and Virtual Learning Options from Saver and Savvy
9. First Day of School Planning from Hess Un-Academy
10. Cute First Day of School Signs from Fun Money Mom
Good luck on your first day of school adventures. We hope that you love our guide to back to school printables and share with your friends.