Two months! Can you believe your sweet babe has already (or only?) been in your arms for two months?
I'm sure that your days have changed in so many different ways and you're adapting to a new routine. Life with a two month old is filled with lots of toothless smiles, soft little kicks, and trying to make sure that every adorable outfit gets its moment in the sun before it's too small.
You are probably starting to notice that even though your little one has only been on the outside of your belly for two months, that they are already developing a big personality. It's funny how quickly our tiny humans reveal all of their likes and dislikes right away, with mom and dad catching on pretty quickly!
Last month, we shared 10 of our favorite baby milestones to celebrate during the first month and as you may have noticed, we celebrate everything here at Birchmark Designs. No milestone is too big or too small, and they all deserve to be captured on camera.
Our favorite way to make sure that every photo is extra special is with our milestone cards and milestone blocks. There are so many designs to choose from that we're sure one will match the personality that your little love is developing. And as an added bonus: little ones absolutely love to play with these photo props while you're snapping away - making for the best moments caught on film!
Baby Milestones to Celebrate During Month Two
Since month two is here, today we have 10 baby milestones that are celebratory during month two!
1. Baby's first smile - hands down one of the sweetest sights you will ever see!
2. Baby's first coos and gurgling sounds - and the most beautiful melody you will ever hear!
3. Baby's first time holding their head up on their own - as crazy as it sounds, their teeny little muscles are developing, and all that tummy time is starting to pay off.
4. Baby's month two doctor's appointment - you will want to remember these monthly moments!
5. Baby's first manicure - you will probably notice during month two just how quickly your little one's nails are growing. While this might not be the most photo-worthy scenario, it's certainly one you will remember forever.
6. Baby's first time recognizing mom, dad, and siblings - while they recognize your voice, your outline, even your unique scent, your little one is picking up on other people around them.
7. Baby's first kicks or squats - during month two, your baby's movements become much more purposeful!
8. Baby's first time working those hands - and once this happens, they will try to grab onto everything.
9. Baby's first signs of boredom - that's right, it starts this early. With different cries, they'll start to communicate when they're ready for something to change.
10. Baby's first time sleeping through the night - while I totally get that not all little ones are sleeping through the night, they are starting to sleep during longer stretches of time (finally, right?). The first time they hit that 6-8 hour stretch is pure bliss!
Don't forget, we absolutely love to see your beautiful photos while capturing these magnificent milestones with our products. Follow us on Instagram and tag our account when you post your photos for a chance to be featured in our feed!