Rise and shine, mama! Or should I say rock and roll, hint hint. ;) Today is a new beginning and I'm thrilled to be celebrating your baby's four month milestone with you!
One of my favorite memories from when our boys were just babies is the first time that they rolled over by themselves. I think this milestone is so joyful because it’s their first big accomplishment in life, and a big sign of independence. Just being by their side to cheer them on while they work so hard to achieve it is a feeling unlike any other.
I admit I might have taken my cheerleader role to an extreme though with our oldest. Babies still startle easily, and while my whooping and hollering was unappreciated at first, it did earn us both some extra cuddles.
But the roll-over is also a reminder that there are so many moments to come when they'll need our love and support as they grow, try new things, and take big leaps in life to become the person they were born to be. It is the first of many, many exciting moments in their future.
In the four short months that your baby has lived outside the womb, they have accomplished quite a bit and are learning so much about themselves and the world around them. It’s such a privilege to have a front-row seat to watch all of the firsts and new things they experience each day.
Month four brings on a lot of physical milestones as their motor skills are really being exercised. During month four, we see milestones all sorts of movement and more interaction! When documenting these baby milestones, make sure that you have your milestone blocks or cards on hand for the perfect photo-taking opportunities!
Baby Milestones To Celebrate During Month Four
One thing is for certain: your little love is becoming one active little baby!
1. First time baby holds their head steadily, without mom or dad’s support. Last month, we saw that baby can hold their head up at a 90-degree angle, and now the bobs and wobbles are slowly subsiding. They have progressed to holding that noggin steady all on their own.
2. Baby’s first roll from tummy to back. Up until this point, they have probably been doing a little rocking, or a half-roll and then one day...poof! They give themselves just enough momentum and roll all the way over. Once they do it that first time, there is no stopping them.
3. First time baby pushes themselves to their elbows. When laying on their belly, this month is when they finally prop themselves up and rest on their elbows. And we’re not gonna lie: this little position looks super cute with a milestone block propped to their right or left. (Just sayin’!)
4. The first time they push down on their feet. Last month, we learned that babies will start bearing weight on their legs at three months, so it’s only natural that about four weeks later is when they decide they want to start pushing down on their feet. We don’t want to scare you, but this is helping them prep for walking!
5. First time baby holds a toy or shakes a rattle. Ahhhh isn’t this just the cutest? Last month they learned how to suck their thumb, so it makes sense that they would finally want to start gripping all those cute toys you got at your baby shower.
6. First time baby plays peek-a-boo. Object permanence becomes a very real thing at four months. Baby is learning that things don't disappear even though they can't see it, but there's still an element of surprise when you pop out from behind your hands.
7. Baby doubles their birth weight. Those late-night feedings, midnight snacks, all the effort you've been putting in to nourish your wee one is paying off! This shows that they are growing, growing, growing!
8. First time baby starts to mimic your language. Are you noticing a trend here? So many of the things that baby mastered during month three are built upon during month four, and their appetite for language is no different! Last month, they started responding to you talking and now you will see them start to mimic what you say.
9. Baby mimics facial expressions, too. During month four, you will notice that for the first time, your little love will try to mimic the expression on your face, too!
10. First time baby smiles at you. Up until this point, most likely baby’s smiles were involuntary, but now, during month four, they are cheezin on purpose and it’s the cutest thing ever.
We hope that you are enjoying our lists of baby milestones! These moments are so special to us and we love that you invite us and our products into your precious memories each month as your little loves grow.
Did you miss last month's milestones? Head here to check them out.