In my opinion, if everyone started their day with cuddles from a baby celebrating their five month milestone, the world would be a happier place.
Your little one is probably starting to rise in the wee hours and is ready to shake, rattle, and roll! Your active little one is ready to take on the world and we are so excited to celebrate this five month milestone with you!
Reaching this one whole hand, five month milestone means one thing: increased mobility like you have never seen in your sweet little babe before. Yes, your little one is on the move and trying to be as mobile as possible. They are starting to realize what their little body is capable of, and once they start moving…well, you know the rest.
It’s pretty incredible to watch all of this newness unfold right before your eyes as a parent. Each day is filled to the brim with new experiences and an opportunity to learn more about your little love’s evolving personality, as well as your own parenting style. Not to mention, an opportunity for a photo shoot in one of the many new outfits probably untouched hanging in the closet.
If you are looking for some tips for snapping the most beautiful, frame, and Instagram-worthy photos of your little babe, I have a free resource that you can download called Pro Photography Secrets For New Moms. Paired with our baby milestone photo props, it’s a winning duo - don’t miss out on this great guide!
10 Milestones to Celebrate During Month Five
Five months outside the womb means that your little love is experiencing a time of transition in their life. With crawling being the next big thing they will accomplish in the near future, month five means that they are learning to do everything to prepare their body. Mom tip: if you haven't started yet, now is the time to start baby-proofing. You can thank me later!
The first time they hold a bottle or sippy cup by themselves. This is such a huge milestone for your little one because it shows just how far they have come with strengthening their little muscles. And of course, once baby is able to hold their own bottle or sippy cup it means you can have a little break, too.
First time baby attempts real speech. At five months you will begin to notice that your wee one is starting to babble with more of a purpose than ever! Their chitter-chatter that before sounded like nothing more than sounds is starting to mimic the words you are saying. Now more than ever is a great opportunity to start working on speech with them.
First time baby rolls from back to tummy. We learned last month that during month four, baby can roll from tummy to back, and now they are learning to do the opposite!
Baby sits upright for the longest time so far! While propped against something stable, of course, your little love is beginning to sit upright for longer stretches of time.
Baby begins to scoot. In preparation for crawling that will most likely start to happen next month, your little one is beginning to scoot along the floor. The little kicks they have been doing to build muscle in their legs are starting to propel them forward on their tummy.
Baby begins to recognize their bedtime routine and can be put to bed almost asleep. Routine is always key when it comes to raising kids, and your baby at five months is starting to take note of what you've been doing (bath time, story time, lullabies, etc.) and using that as cues to signal that it’s time to go to sleep. This is a great time to start putting your little one into their crib when they are almost asleep instead of completely asleep, so they can start to fall asleep on their own.
Baby begins to recognize familiar sounds. Do you have a dog that barks each time the mail is delivered? Or perhaps a noisy garage door that opens each time mommy or daddy pulls in? At five months, baby is starting to take note of these things!
Baby starts to understand certain commands. At five months, baby cannot yet understand the meaning of words, however, simple phrases such as “no” or their name are beginning to sound familiar to them.
Baby starts to love music and even claps when they hear it! Music is fun and your little love is beginning to recognize the way that music makes them feel.
Baby can push onto their hands and knees. After they have started scooting, the next preparation during month five for crawling is to push themselves to their hands and knees. It won’t be long after this movement that they begin crawling everywhere!
We hope that you enjoy another baby milestones list and are celebrating them all! It’s so fun to watch this little human that you created, experience the world for the first time, right before your eyes!
Did you miss last month’s milestones? Click here to check them out!