Make sure your camera is ready (or your phone is charged) because today we’re doing a deep dive into baby milestone cards!
First things first: if you are a pregnant mama or soon-to-be first-time dad, you are probably wondering “what the heck are baby milestone cards?” Well, you are in the right place because my family and I at Birchmark Designs are in the business of helping you and your fam make memories, which is exactly what these baby milestone cards are all about.
Milestone cards are a way for parents to document their little one's growth through the first year, so they can revisit those early memories, and remember what it was like to kiss those squishy cheeks. At the end of the day, you are your baby’s story keeper, and these hand-crafted wooden cards help you tell their story though photos.
Each set gives you twelve whole months of endless picture-taking opportunities, and you will be amazed to look back and see how much your babe has changed.
Our sweet baby milestone cards come in so many different varieties, so you will always have the look and feel for your monthly baby milestone photos that most exemplify you and your growing family.
Tips for Using Baby Milestone Cards
Once you have ordered your baby milestone cards (you can do that HERE), it’s time to start snapping! Especially during the early months of their first year of life, it can be challenging to get in the swing of things, so I want to give you some guidance today to help make sure that each photo you take will someday make you swoon.
RELATED: How We Prepare For Family Photo Shoots
1. Be consistent
Okay, I totally get that I’m not starting out with the most creative tip but hear me out. Do not forget to be consistent with your baby milestone cards. I promise that if you take the first month’s photos and then forget about them again until month four, you will be kicking yourself. Make an effort to be consistent with these photos because they seriously make the sweetest memories.
2. Keep them handy
They come with a storage bag to keep them together, but make sure that you don’t put your baby milestone cards in a drawer and forget about them. Keep them handy, mama! This allows them to be within reach whenever a fun, cute, unforgettable moment pops up that you want to capture on film. This will ensure that your photos are anything but boring!
3. Play with lighting
Most photographers will suggest that using natural lighting and shooting during mid-day is best, and I agree to some extent. If those are the kinds of photos you are going for, the bright, light ones, then start snapping away after nap time. However, playing around with lighting can be fun, too. I recently shared in our family Christmas photography post how lighting is everything, and sometimes, taking your baby milestone card pictures indoors with darker lighting will set the mood for creative photos.
4. Play with the camera angle
Same thing goes for your camera angle! Sometimes, you might need to stand on your kitchen stool to capture the best photo. Just make sure you have solid footing and be careful not to drop your phone our camera. No tears allowed!
5. Use meaningful props
In addition to using your baby milestone cards as your photo props, try incorporating other things that are special to your baby, too. For instance, one of baby’s four-month milestones is shaking a rattle for the first time - try incorporating that moment into your photo!
6. Call for help!
When the going gets tough, ask for help with your photos. Let’s be honest here: during the first few months of your baby’s life they kinda just lay wherever you place them, so taking your milestone photos is much easier. But as they get older, (let’s say….month five and beyond) they are on the move! You might need an extra set of hands to help capture your precious moments.
(Side note: if you are looking for tips to get baby to cooperate, or to capture the best lighting, download my FREE GUIDE: Pro Photography Secrets For New Moms).
I hope that this post has inspired you to capture all the beautiful moments of your little one. If you need some photo inspiration for their first month, check out our Baby Milestones to Celebrate During Month One Guide.