Baby Milestones to Celebrate During Month Seven

Allison Cooper   4 min read

Seven, magic number seven, according to science, has made its way to your household - congratulations! It also refers to “completeness and perfection” which you can see each and every time you look at your little love. It doesn’t matter if they are crying or giggling, “perfect” is definitely the right word to describe life with a new baby (no matter how tired you might be!). And probably the word “challenging,” too. ;)

Last month, when we celebrated six-month milestones with you, we learned that baby is on the move and that 'busy’ was your word of the month. Seven months means all of that plus a little bit more! Seven months is their building month, meaning that they are taking all of the skills that they learned during month six and both adding on and mastering them. 

Anything that your sweet baby did last month that was a little wobbly or they were a little unsure about will be practiced over and over again this month until they feel confident about these new skills. 

It’s so exciting to watch as they explore new things, new places, and new people on a monthly basis. Don’t forget to mark these special moments with our baby milestone collection.

Baby Milestones to Celebrate During Month Seven

For parents, month seven can be considered that high alert month when watching every single thing that baby is doing is even more important. It’s not just a matter of making sure that you get to see all their milestones, but it’s a matter of safety, too. (Ahem: see our first milestone)

Baby moves objects from hand to hand.

And then they move objects from hands to mouth. Keep a close eye on what your little one is getting into and vacuum often!

Baby begins to experience new food groups.

Last month, you were probably given the green light to start introducing solids into mealtime. This month (and each month after) gives you new opportunities to introduce a whole new world of foods!

Keep in mind that babies have taste buds too, and may be keen on the same spices as you. As a mama sucker for a good apple, you better believe my boys have had their fair share. One of my favorite baby dishes was baked apples with cinnamon. They made the house smell amazing, and the boys went nuts over them! Apples in tin foil, purred with cinnamon, you can't go wrong!  

Baby sits without support.

Month seven becomes sort of a liberating time for both you and baby since they are now able to sit up without support. This means that you are able to place them in a safe spot on the floor with lots of baby-friendly toys and they can start to entertain themselves. Maybe you can even get some computer work done or laundry folded while they play.

Baby reaches out both arms to you.

Ahhh! One of the best moments ever. Baby knows who mom and dad are at this point, as well as some other caregivers, and they're not shy about letting you know when they want to be in your arms.

Baby can support their weight on both legs.

Your little love is getting strong! Once they are able to support their own weight on both legs either in a standing position or while on their hands and knees, you know that crawling is not far behind.

Baby starts teething.

This is probably the least fun thing that starts to happen during month seven, but very important nonetheless. Your little one’s gums will be super sore, so make sure they get extra snuggle time. 

Baby can spot you from across the room.

Your little one’s sight has come a long way from their newborn days. During month seven is when their vision becomes sharp enough to see you from across the room. Translation: they will make their way to you either by scooting or crying. 

Baby goes from scooting to crawling.

This month, you get to watch your babe go from stationary to very mobile right before your eyes! Seriously, you will be surprised how quickly they will actually move as soon as they start crawling. You might want to invest in some baby knee pads, or be ready with some lotion to keep those knees feeling good!

I hope that my guide has given you some ideas for sweet memories to capture of baby as they are scooting and moving their way through their first year of life! If you have found yourself a little unsure about the right way to capture all of these amazing moments, I’ve got you covered. Download  my FREE guide and learn the secrets of professional photographers so that you can skip the studio and capture the most amazing memories at home!